(In)-Arbitrability of Intra-EU Disputes under the Energy Charter Treaty
Abstract The international investment arbitration community, more specifically the EU investors, is facing a tough time due to the overstretched primacy of the European Union (“EU”) law. The Energy Charter Treaty (hereinafter referred to as “ECT”) was signed in the...
The Redfern Schedule in International Construction Arbitrations
Abstract No legal proceeding can succeed without evidence. In international construction arbitration, this evidence can take myriad forms. In addition to this, given the plurality of the legal cultures which interact in the international arena, the procedure may also...
3P 2.0 – Will the Dream Come True for India?
Abstract The Public Private Partnership Framework of India is in dire need of robust Governmental intervention at a policy and implementation level. Considering this, the 3P India Plan by Late Mr. Arun Jaitley germinated in 2014. This Plan would be responsible for the...
Smart Legal Contracts: A Road to Green Energy in India
Abstract Earlier in August 2022, the German chemicals giantBASF entered into a “virtual” contract for renewable energy totalling 250 megawatts across the United States. With the changing landscape of the energy sector, the instruments used for transactions in the...
Single-Use Plastic Ban in India- A Step towards Sustainability
Abstract Indeed, human civilization has entered a “Plastic Age.” What was once considered a technological marvel is now a threat to our existence. On 2nd March 2022, the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-5) was convened in Nairobi to “End Plastic Pollution”...
Analysis of the Civil Aviation Arbitration Sector: A Dynamic State-of-Affairs of What Was, What Is, and What Can Be
Abstract With the advent of the increase in trade and commerce across the global community, an array of sectors has been birthed. One such concept is the concept of Civil Aviation and allied aspects. With the presence of such an important sector, it is bound that...
Energy Charter Treaty Reform: Fresh Start or Time to Say Goodbye?
Abstract The Energy Charter Treaty (hereinafter “ECT” or “Treaty”) is a multilateral agreement that was signed in the early 1990s. The ECT guarantees protection to investments in the energy sector and provides for a dispute resolution mechanism between Contracting...
The Need for Transparency in International Investment Arbitration
Abstract The need for transparency in international arbitration – especially investor treaty arbitration is a popular, developing and essential concept. As confidentiality is inherent in arbitration, it makes arbitral proceedings all the more open to abuse. One key...
Dispute Resolution: An Analysis Pre and Post RERA
Abstract Since the beginning of the last decade, the real estate sector was on the verge of collapsing due to reasons such as growing unemployment, recession, low rental yield, inventory build-up, unclear taxation, etc. The real estate sector had been unfairly biased...
Plastic Times Call for Drastic Measures: Toward a Life-Cycle Approach to Plastic Pollution
Abstract Despite both upstream and downstream efforts to tackle plastic pollution, there remain a number of ongoing challenges that make the problem of plastic one of the greatest contemporary challenges. The increase in population growth and income in developing...
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